

5th - Virtual International Day of the midwife
11th - Mothering nature study day: alcohol in pregnancy
20th - Schoolofbabywearing: Using slings for labour and birth
25th - Mothering nature study day: CPR - maternal and neonatal
3rd - Birth Art Cafe training Day 1
8th - Mothering nature study day: 3rd trimester and parent craft
17th - Shoulder dystocia - avoidable or fact of life?
17th & 18th - Birthbliss: Understanding & healing the effects of trauma and sexual abuse on childbearing women (Penny Simkin)
22nd - Mothering nature study day: water birth and third stage management
22nd - Doula UK Conference: Finding the Path to Peaceful Birth (Penny Simkin, Sheena Byrom, Amali Lokugamage, Denis Walsh, Mavis Kirkham, Sheila Kitzinger & more)
22nd & 23rd May - Primary Care conference

1st - Preparation for birth and beyond Day 1 (Dr Mary Nolan)
4th - Using slings for labour and birth
5th, 6th & 7th - Normal labour & birth conference
7th & 8th - Annual International Neonatal Conference
8th - Preparation for birth and beyond. Antenatal education Day 2 (Dr Mary Nolan)
8th - Association of Breastfeeding mothers Conference
13th - APEC: Pre-eclampsia study day 
15th - Aspiring Midwives Workshop
18th - Antenatal Screening for Down's Syndrome study day
27th - Undisturbing Birth study day (Sarah J Buckley)

2nd - Informed choice versus informed coercion (Lesley Page, Mavis Kirkham, Mary Stewart & more) 
4th - APEC: Pre-eclampsia study day
6th - Inspirational Birth; understanding, inspiring and supporting physiological birth 
6th & 7th - European Babywearing conference  
8th - Birth Art Cafe training Day 2
8th - One to One midwives conference 
11th - University of Worcester Birth Conference 
11th - Royal College of Midwives & Bond Solon - Legal birth conference
13th - Mothering nature study day: public health role of the midwife
17th - Fetal Monitoring in Labour CTG & ECG (STAN) Study Day
17th - Professional Midwifery Forum & Exhibition
20th & 21st - Babycalm conference Day 1: Toddlers & children, Day 2: Birth & babies (Dr Lawrence Cohen, Gill Rapley, Oliver James, Sheila Kitzinger & more)
21st - The Psychology of Normal Birth: understanding better birth
22nd - Hypnobirthing for midwives

3rd - Aspiring Midwives Workshop
10th - Mothering nature study day: child protection and complex social factors in pregnancy
24th - Undisturbing Birth study day (Sarah J Buckley)
28th - Undisturbing Birth study day (Sarah J Buckley)

12th - APEC: Pre-eclampsia study day
14th - Undisturbing Birth study day (Sarah J Buckley)

14th - Fetal Monitoring in Labour CTG & ECG (STAN) Study Day

7th - APEC: Pre-eclampsia study day
13th & 14th - Royal College of Midwives annual conference
16th - Royal College of Midwives annual student conference
20th - Fetal Monitoring in Labour CTG & ECG (STAN) Study Day

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